Heronsgate School’s Remote Learning Statement
In September 2020, all our classes returned to full-time education following the Covid-19 closure as a school in March 2020. We were open throughout the lock down period for key workers’ and vulnerable children. During that time provided work and activities until the summer break for children to do at home.  Although we hope that the majority of our children will now have an uninterrupted experience, there is the possibility that an individual child, a class bubble, or indeed the whole school, will need to self-isolate for a period of time.
When we locked down in March 2020, Remote Learning was something for the future. The staff have worked tirelessly over the last few months to ensure that if your child is self-isolating or if the bubble bursts and the children are learning from home, that their learning continues.
We have been researching and evaluating different online learning platforms to ensure that the one we use is right for our school and most importantly, you and your children. At the moment, children and staff are familiarising themselves with these tools to enable a smooth transition for all from paper to online where possible. We used Showbie during the summer term and we have now introduced a new maths platform, My Maths, which in the majority of the maths curriculum areas, mirrors what is happening in the classroom.  We are also in the process if introducing Spelling Shed Vibe an interactive tool which we will also use in school for children to learn and improve their spelling through a range of challenges and games. Along with this provision, teachers will provide English and guided reading lessons and wherever possible links to topic work through National Oak Academy. We will continue to use familiar packages such as TT Rockstars and Sum Dog and I Hub.
At present, any child who is self-isolating, if they are unable to access the remote learning provision will be given a paper pack to take home with them; these paper packs will mirror as closely as possible the work that is taking place in school. These packs can be collected from the school office if required. Feedback for work completed can be sent through via Showbie or in the case of paper copies, bought back to school once the children return. Pupils will be encouraged to take photographs of their work and upload them to Showbie. Teachers are able to access My Maths, TT Rock Stars, Sum Dog, Spelling Shed, and I Hub to track how children are progressing.
The school has developed a policy for home learning which clearly sets out expectations of pupil interaction, staff responsibility and availability. In addition to this, there is guidance for parent’s whole school half termly overview plan of what activities/topics are taking place this term in class and for remote learning.
If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children. Paper copies will still be available. Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (e.g. laptops/iPads) and/or 4G connections will be sought, particularly for disadvantaged children. Parents will be reminded to make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning.
Jane Edwards
Information for Parents Remote Education Provision Jan 2021
Remote Learning Guidance Spring 2021
Teams & Remote Learning timetables: